Made in San Francisco with ❤️.

On Dec 27, 2014 at 3:28pm in San Francisco, we unveiled our latest product—a bundle of joy named Alexa Chelsea Hung. Specifications weigh-in at 6 lb 9.5 oz, and 18.75" in length.

The launch and birth of version 1.0 was quick and seamless, and our CMO (Chief Maternal Officer) is doing very well after a grueling 9 months of intense product development.

Product Branding

Our product's first name of Alexa was chosen after careful data analysis and cross-validation of the founders' unique backgrounds and creative tastes, involving numerous usability studies of three-syllable baby names.

Her middle name of Chelsea was decided much more quickly, as it was inspired by the New York City neighborhood where the founding team and key stakeholders (aka parents) found their product market fit (aka fell in love).

Beautiful Design

Alexa's organic UI is seamless and world-class, and her adaptive Human Interface Design ensures longevity and relevance in an increasingly crowded marketplace platform called The World.

Iterative Roadmap

The mother and father co-founding team will be iterating rapidly over the next 12 months, with an intense product roadmap that includes highly-anticipated milestones such as tummy time, rolling over, first solids, first steps, and first words.

Disruptive Innovation

In a private statement released 24 hours post-launch:

"We are so very excited and happy to bring our latest offering to market, as we believe this to be yet another game changing release for us.

"Alexa’s patent-pending AI technology and complex learning algorithms enable her to evolve and learn over time, adapting to an ever-changing array of inputs and environments.

"As the second offering in our growing family portfolio, she is an immensely complementary asset and we expect to see impressive growth year over year, earning a tremendous return on our investment."


We couldn't be more pleased to share Alexa—our latest release and second product offering—with the Open Stork community.

With lots of love from San Francisco,

Pauline and Jay (Co-founders, The Hung Family)